The Impact of Brexit, Ford Could be Close The Factory


The American vehicle manufacturers, Ford, considered to close the factory and raise the price of the car in the UK. This is the negative effect of the decision of the UK which opted out of the European Union (British Exit / Brexit).

Moreover, the results of the meeting of the company announced on Thursday (07/28/2016), the Ford predicts will cost $ 1 billion, in the next two years, until the recovery of the UK. Ford itself is one of the biggest car company in the UK.

Bob Shanks, Chief Financial Officer of Ford Britain said the price increases necessary to offset fluctuations in pounds, as a result of Brexit. The UK currency weakened 11 percent against the dollar since June 23. 

"We will focus on the cost of the future, and the company will find a way to rectify this situation," Shanks said, as quoted by The Guardian, Saturday (07/30/2016).

Comments from Shanks likely to trigger further concerns, about the fate of the car market in the United Kingdom (UK) after Brexit. Trade transactions must now be renegotiated, with all European countries.

This has led some analysts to speculate that the car company, will delay or cancel plans to expand its market in the UK, or even stop altogether. Ford has two plants remaining in the United Kingdom, in Dagenham and Bridgend.

When asked if he would shut down the plant operation, Shanks said, everything is still under consideration. Predictions of some analysts, if the closure of this factory is done to cover these costs ($ 1 billion).    

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